
  • The protein shortage problem is real

    Farmtario, April 29, 2024: The world has a protein problem. To be more precise, it has a protein shortage problem. Once digestibility and amino acid balance are considered, there is actually less protein than what’s needed to satisfy human requirements. This shortage can only get worse in coming years with rising populations, a desire by a growing middle class for more protein in their diets, and production challenges resulting from climate change. 

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  • What's next?

    CEO commentary by Mike McMorris: The possibilities for fungus to be incorporated into our daily lives in the coming years are incredible, including for the livestock sector. The key is to be open to the possibilities that they offer.

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  • Getting research into practice

    CEO Commentary by Mike McMorris: Farmer feedback gathered through several current initiatives suggest that we need to be doing a better job of getting research into practice (GRIP), but how to start?

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  • Report card listing grades on a paper

    Livestock in balance

    CEO commentary by Mike McMorris, February 2022: Balance can refer to having elements in the correct proportions. Balance seems in short supply these days; look at the current pandemic. But what about balance in the livestock world?

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  • Lump of coal

    CEO Commentary by Mike McMorris, December 2021: Coal has clearly had a bad name for a long time, even more so now considering our climate change challenge. So it was a bit of a shock for Time Magazine to run the headline “Cows are the New Coal”. Really?

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