CAPI’s research explores the intricate forces impacting Canada’s animal agriculture systems, and offers a compelling narrative of challenges, opportunities, and the policy landscape that shapes the future of this vital industry.“Canada is in a unique position to meet the growing global demand for proteins because of our land base, water resources, efficient production systems, and low carbon emissions relative to other countries,” says Al Mussell, CAPI’s Director of Research and co-author of the report.
Financial support of this research project was provided to CAPI from the Grand River Agricultural Society, UFA Co-operative, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canadian Cattle Association, and the Livestock Research and Innovation Corporation.
CAPI also benefitted from the engagement of a steering committee, three rounds of consultations with a broader audience in the development of the accompanying white paper, and a focussed dialogue to discuss an earlier draft of the research report.
-  Animal agriculture in Canada is a complex and interconnected system, and while there are differences, many challenges and opportunities are shared. Its value and impact cannot be measured with simple metrics and requires a comprehensive approach.
- Improving economic, environmental, and social sustainability across animal agriculture requires common solutions, including growth-oriented policies, investments in research and innovation and in transportation and infrastructure, and an enhanced data framework.
- Risks facing animal agriculture, such as disease, loss of grassland, markets, and extreme weather, are increasing and require greater focus and innovative policy and research solutions.
- Export-oriented and domestically focused value chains both have growth opportunities, but each faces unique barriers. A constructive, strategic dialogue is needed on how to unlock each value chain’s full potential.
- Canadian agriculture has among the lowest emissions intensities in the world. Policies that integrate sustainability, food security and growth can help meet climate targets and SDGs, and build Canada’s comparative advantage.